Fish and More Fish!!

Fish and More Fish!!
Sea Bass & Fish Tray Bake

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Taking a Break

To my fellow readers, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my Blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed sharing my experiences with you.

In less than 3 weeks (OMG!) my husband, my nearly 2 year old son and my 80-something year old Mum and I are off on a new adventure..a trip to Germany to see my family.

With time running out to get the garden ready for our absence, organise things, shop for stuff and get the house ready for our house sitters, time for dinner parties has been "verborten".  As we already know, Jamie's 30 Minute Meals take a lot longer and I generally do quite a bit of preparation before any guests arrive.  This all cuts in to our valuable time to get important last minute jobs done.

I really feel I have learnt alot about cooking and I look forward to enjoying some local German cuisine from different parts of the country.  My culinary journey is not just about Jamie's cooking, but looking at food in a different way and unleashing my creativity.  I also have found that I can shop a little more cost effectively and I feel a sense of pride that I can buy a raw free range chook for around $10.50 and then break it down to make 4 separate meals as well as make 2 litres of chicken stock.  How cool to have the skill to do all this and not have to pay for someone else to cut-up and package the various products.  And my herb garden is growing well, although a little dormant in this winter weather, but hopefully by the time we come back, the weather will start to warm up and everything will thrive yet again.

So...until September...I wish you happy, healthy and free range cooking and we will hopefully resume with Jamie's Tapas!!

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